Frequently Asked Questions

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During the Season
Supporting the League


Q: Can my child play on the same team as their friend?
A: In most cases, yes. Let us know the name of your child's friend during registration.

Q: What is the Volunteer Fee?
A: The strength of our league comes from our volunteers. We depend on this help to attend the snack bar, manage the team, prepare the field, and many other crucial tasks. It is our preference that you commit to help us with these tasks. However, if you are unable or unwilling to help, you may pay the optional volunteer fee. Those who pay this fee will not be asked to volunteer during the season.

Q: Why am I being asked for a Social Security Number when I sign up to volunteer as Assistant Coach?
A: We are required by Little League International to run background checks on all volunteers who interact with the children. A social security number and drivers license number (optional) are requested when you fill out the form. If you'd prefer, you can fill out a paper copy of the volunteer form instead, but this will also require your SSN.


Q: Does my child need to tryout for a team?

Q: What will my child be evaluated on?

Q: Are any kids cut from a team?

During the Season

Q: What happens if a game is rained out?

Supporting the League

Q: How can my business support the league?

Q: How can I help coach?

Q: How can I help with field maintenance?

Q: Can I umpire a game?

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